100 things you could do 

1.   Write your best friend a love song and then perform it for them

2.   Create limericks for strangers on Omegle

3.   Write, direct, and star in a 5-minute movie featuring your kitchen gadgets as props

4.   Learn how to say, “Sir, are you a banana in a top hat?” in 15 different languages

5.   Learn how to do some really cool braids/hairstyles

6.   … Speaking of Harry Styles, watch him grow up via music video

7.   Go on a “town exploring day.” Tourist around your city/town as if you’ve never been there. Bonus points for fanny pack.

8.   Go to your local downtown and make sketches of all the passersby.

9.   Write a book! Children’s or adult, doesn’t matter.

10.  Write a book about a person named Francis who has a secret obsession with crocheting impractical hats

11.  Make an impractical hat. Out of whatever.

12.  Go pick a bouquet from whatever is in your neighborhood.

13.  Call someone you haven’t talked to in at least five years. Find out what their life is like.

14.  Put on a realistic performance of a nature documentary for your friends or neighbors.

15.  Create impromptu sculptures in every room in your house out of the items in that room.

16.  Create a sculpture out of the items in your recycling bin.

17.  Learn about the local birds in your area. See how many you can spot today.

18.  Go on a tree safari. Learn about the local trees in your area and go see how many you can identify or find.

19.  Make a playlist of songs you like that all start with the same letter

20.  Draw a self-portrait. (It doesn’t have to be good!)

21.  Visit every park you can reasonably go to in one day.

22.  Go on a hike! Maybe it is a hike you have never been on before, and always meant to.

23.  Learn how to knit or crochet, with no specific intent in mind other than to do it.

24.  Go on a long, languid walk. Music helps. Have no specific destination in mind, or intent. Just let your feet lead you.

25.  Tell someone you have a crush on them (please don’t lie!). PRO-TIP: Crushes can be friend crushes, neighbor crushes, I’d-love-to-make-you-lemonade crushes … they don’t have to be romantic!

26.  Put on a different outfit – one that makes you feel like a new person. Spend an hour or day as that person. (They can be made up or real)

27.  Call your senators. Tell them how you feel … and then tell them how you *feel*

28.  Make an art piece out of toothpaste.

29.  Throw a surprise party for yourself, your friend, or your cat. Make sure there is cake.

30.  Bake a cake!

31.  Learn a new dance routine (YouTube is your friend).

32.  Learn how to tell a cheesy joke in a different language.

33.  Call a random number and ask the person how their day is going. See if you can make a new friend.

34.  Read a long, epic book. (If you need suggestions – ask for suggestions of long, epic books)

35.  Watch 3 movies you’ve been meaning to watch. Then write one-sentence descriptions of each.

36.  Bake a batch of cookies with the express intent of giving them all away. Then – give them away!

37.  Find out everything you can about one of your favorite people/heroes. Then make a book report about them, complete with powerpoint.

38.  Cook a four-course dinner. For yourself. Bring candles.

39.  Meditate.

40.  Draw a picture of each of your childhood best friends. Send these to them, without comment.

41.  Listen to a whole album, front to back, with your eyes closed, without stopping.

42.  Do a bunch of yoga.

43.  Create a full-length puppet show using only your socks (and similar items).

44.  Do a photoshoot in your front yard, back yard, or living room.

45.  Do a photoshoot of all the items in your closet you can put together in an hour.

46.  Do breathing exercises.

47.  Learn to count to 10 in 5 languages.

48.  Take 6 different personality tests online. Compare and contrast the results.

49.  Write an essay that argues for the indisputable dominance of peanut butter over jelly, or vice versa.

50.  Make up an imaginary friend. Give them a name, characteristics, likes and dislikes, and a career. Then have dinner with them.

51.  Learn how to make your favorite food.

52.  Write the history of an entire made-up nation. Go really in depth. Give them national foods, holidays, etc. Make or draw their outfits.

53.  Make up a new dance.

54.  Learn how to make origami animals. Then – make a zoo.

55.  Create a whole miniature city out of cardboard.

56.  Plant something. In your yard, a planter, a milk carton. Help something grow.

57.  Make a flower crown. Then, make a fancier one. Then, crown you and your friend/partner/pet floral royalty. Complete with ceremony.

58.  Learn calligraphy basics.

59.  Go to the library. Take out 5 books. Read them all.

60.  Go as far as public transit can reasonably (and safely) take you in one day. Explore!

61.  Rewatch every episode of a show you used to love.

62.  Watch every episode of a show you haven’t seen yet.

63.  Crown yourself Queen/King/Royalty of your local area for a day. (Local area can be: living room, house, yard) Set up your royal court, have royal tea, and plan a royal ball.

64.  Write love letters to 6 different people you love. Make sure you detail precisely what you love about them!

65.  Go on a smell-walk. Walk around seeking out good smells. Keep a log of them.

66.  Keep a captain’s log for a day, or a week. Extra points for a cool journal to keep it in.

67.  Commit to getting really good at an accent. Maybe – Scottish?

68.  Do a YouTube or Google street view tour of somewhere you’d like to go. (Make sure to wear your best tourist outfit for this)

69.  Write a bad poem.

70.  Meet your neighbors. Maybe – bring them the cookies!

71.  Begin learning an instrument. HINT: Let yourself be bad.

72.  Take a long, hot shower or bath. Essential oils are nice for this.

73.  Call up someone you used to have a crush on and tell them you used to have a crush on them. Make explicit you are not doing this for any purpose than to let them know they are awesome.

74.  Make a playlist of songs to kiss to.

75.  Make a playlist of the songs you really loved 5, 10 or 20 years ago.

76.  Text 10 random numbers and tell them you hope they’re having a good day. (Make sure they know you’re not spamming or creeping!)

77.  Set up a rubber ducky Olympics in your bathroom. Make sure to hand out prizes.

78.  Get a tattoo!

79.  Create, write, direct, and star in a movie – all in your bedroom. Props can only come from there, too.

80.  Go around your neighborhood and name every tree. Give them nametags. Then make up gossip about them.

81.  Learn how to say, “ma’am, your shoes are on fire!” in 5 different languages.

82.  Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day.

83.  Learn to juggle. Make this a secret mission, so nobody knows. Then, the next party you go to, do a grand reveal.

84.  Create a fairy house! Or, heck, a fairy village. City?

85.  Make a stop-motion video using only yourself and toilet paper rolls. Set it to a David Bowie song.

86.  Make a music video to your favorite song when you were 13. Really play the part.

87.  Write down a list of 100 different compliments. Commit to using them all. Make sure to keep track of which ones you’ve used, and celebrate when you finish.

88.  Start a dance chain with your friends. One person creates the beginning of a dance and sends it to someone, who adds on. Do this at least 6 times.

89.  Learn to say, “I am actually a thousand dragonflies!” in 6 languages.

90.  Go to a thrift store and purchase a handful of stuffed animals. Come home and do a family shoot with them, in your living room.

91.  Learn to cross-stitch. Make something for a family member you appreciate.

92.  Give 5 strangers compliments. In person or online.

93.  Begin learning figure drawing. Again – let yourself be bad!

94.  Plant an herb garden. Once they have grown, use all your herbs in as many dishes as you can.

95.  Create a fort in your living room (or bedroom). Make up a password for it, invite in friends or pets, and watch a movie in it. Oh, and name it.

96.  Invite your friends over for presentation night. They can make powerpoints or analog presentations. Only rule: the topic must be utterly inane.

97.  Make up a new game. The rules are totally up to you, but it must involve at least three players. (If you feel stuck on this, here’s more rules: must be on a table. Must involve a square of cardboard. And the name of the game is BUDDY BREAK)

98.  Recreate scenes from your favorite childhood movie, using only what you have available in your home. Share them in some capacity, whether with friends, family, or online.

99.  Learn to say “I love you” in 15 languages.

100.  Write a comic book about yourself as a superhero. Make sure you have an awesome sidekick! Oh, and a great outfit.